本当に、スリル満点で、どこまでも目が離せない、ドラマです、もう何度見たか、違うドラマ、見たら、また、ここに、戻って来て、しまいます、ありがとう。 (うめ3さん 2024/6/2 17:56 ID:211316) | |
チャウヌさんの演技力がすごかったです。シリアスな役をこんなにも上手く演じていて良かったです。 (名無し 2024/5/10 22:47 ID:210845) | |
Amazing drama!!! A very interesting plot that keeps you in suspense until the very end. I'm delighted with Cha Eun Woo's performance. I started watching this drama only because of him.😍 My heart constantly sank, seeing all the pain and suffering of his hero. Cha Eun Woo is simply an incredibly talented actor. It is clear that he studied his character very well and therefore his performance came out real and sincere. After watching it, my emotions lingered for a long time. Bravo!!!👏👏👏 (Lenaさん 2024/4/24 20:51 ID:210496) | |
ウヌ君かっこいいです 演技も素晴らしいです 中盤から面白く見せて頂いてます 実力付きましたね 良い男 (名無し 2024/4/8 02:18 ID:210125) | |
ウヌくんの目の演技最高です🥰 (名無し 2024/4/6 11:28 ID:210071) |